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(1 edit)

yay squared! i LOVE the sliding mechanic, and i love how you can get very fast speeds with it! incredible :3

thank you !!!

its to hard because when you slide and jump it only works like half of the time

I need to get on my laptop so probably tomorrow I will play (:

very fun game

this game is so hard asujgbfiudsalfoyhfckxvnh

Fun game! You could say that restart doesn't restart time lol.

(1 edit) (+1)

The controls are really good (but a bit hard to control), but i've kinda felt that both the "restart" and reaching 0 on the time are very punishing. i'd suggest either a section select when entering the level, or making the section automatically restart once the time runs out, rather than immediately kicking you out of the whole level

Edit: nvm this would make it too easy, but it's still a bit frustrating because of these issues

Very good game, I actually have not finished it, because it's kinda hard actually.

too good game!!

It was very fun! I do agree with the other comment saying that pressing 'R' should reset the current stage and not send you all the way back to the lobby. Otherwise, super solid game!


Played it briefly, plays nice, just one small comment: Wouldn't it be better to let 'R' reset the current stage and not the complete level?


Kat's controls are REALLY sensitive


Could have, like, "Hold SHIFT to walk slower!"

I'd say the controls are spot-on and would keep them exactly as is, they are fluent and (for me) are not fast at all. I had no issue moving across the levels.

i really agree.